Friday, August 7, 2009


In twenty four hours I will be on a plane headed back home.
Last night was my last night here in Costa Rica. I'd love to tell everyone about it, but I have no idea where to begin, let alone where I would end. Tapas, a police escort, the curator of an insect museum, a rastafarian taxi driver and lots of dancing were involved. I am running on three hours of sleep, because my internal clock, after 19 years of being dormant, has started to work, and I cannot sleep past seven o'clock. But I probably couldn't sleep if I wanted to because my host parents decided to get their front door refinished. Consequently, I've been writing my final field trip report to the gentle hum of an electric sander. I am dreading packing, and am dreading saying good bye to everyone and everything.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Class Party

Since Tuesday was our last EA and SD class, we thought it'd be fun to go out with Roberto (my professor, for anyone who is coming in late). After class, three of the four of us in the class piled into his car, which happens to be the smallest 4wd SUV available in Costa Rica. We had just given him Crocs as a thank you gift, so he was in a good mood. We picked up his girlfriend, which made things slightly awkward and much more cramped, and headed to a bar near the University of Costa Rica. Roberto and his girlfriend, both biologists, thought it would be appropriate to bring us to a bar where a lot of biologists hang out. It turns out there was only one biologist there, but Roberto was paying so that made up for the disappointment. Afterwards, the real party started. We headed to Karaoke 88, near la Calle de la Amargura, a street lined in bars near UCR. I'd like to be able to say that I don't remember anything else, but sadly, I do. The important thing is, though, that I got home in one piece.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Los Mocosos

Last night as I sat on my bed in front of my open window writing my ten-page 1.5 spaced paper, three teenage misfits, or mocosos as my señor affectionately calls them, thought they would get my attention by throwing rocks at my window. After one of the rocks sailed through the open window and hit my housemate´s computer, we told our señora, and she proceded to call the police. That´ll teach 'em.

Monday, August 3, 2009

From Castro's to Curú

Last Thursday night was the first night my amigas and I went out on the town. We decided to go to a discoteca called Castro's; the walls were lined in mirrors and there was a karaoke bar on the second floor. It was a night full of karaoke, dancing and making Tico friends, and thankfully everyone got home more or less in one piece. Friday was my last day of Spanish classes, and my presentation went well considering that my four hours of sleep hadn't quite gotten rid of that fiesta feeling. This past weekend, my EA and SD class took its final fieldtrip to the private wildlife refuge of Curú. I don't think I managed to stop sweating the entire weekend, but snorkeling and picking up trash on an otherwise pristine beach made the perpetual shower worth it. At the refuge's home base, spider, howler and white-faced capuchin monkeys were the source of everyone's excitement, but I prefered my professor's howler monkey call. I also thought I had gotten my first sunburn, but it turned out to be nothing more than a sun-kissed glow. Now that I am back in San José I can enjoy writing my ten-page 1.5 spaced paper about recycling in Costa Rica and preparing for the 20-30 minute presentation that goes along with it, which is due tomorrow.